Family Day (Class – 1 & 2, Lodha)
Winning is something, but participation is everything! New look is giving a strong foundation to it’s students with 100% participation in Family day event. Family day for class I and…
Winning is something, but participation is everything! New look is giving a strong foundation to it’s students with 100% participation in Family day event. Family day for class I and…
EVERYONE IS GIFTED!! WE NEED TO JUST NURTURE THAT!! New look school is nurturing the hidden talent the toddlers . Today Family day was celebrated where the toddlers of pre…
HEALTH IS NOT A GOAL ! IT IS A WAY OF LIVING! Health checkup camp was organized in New Look School Campus where the students and staff were diagnosed and…
After a long pandemic break, We have brought to you the calendar for session 2022-23. In this calendar, parents and students will be able to know all the holidays, celebrations…
anyone who stops learning is old – whether this happens at twenty or at eighty. Anyone who keeps on learning not only remains young but becomes constantly more valuable –…
It is normal to have questions but delaying immunization is not the answer. Vaccination is the most important initiative to beat the virus. New Look School in coordination with…
NCC is the first step of national service! 5 Rajasthan girls battalion NCC camp started in new look girls college, Banswara. Commanding officer Colonel Khanna addressed the cadets on this…
Our Freedom Fighters Endured Countless Sufferings to Give INDIAN Their Freedom. New look kids remembered them and honored them through participating in Role play. Role Play Activity – New Look…
Clothes Make a Statement. Costumes Tells Story. Such story was told by JUNIOR New lookians on 19 Aug,2021 on the occasion of FANCY DRESS ACTIVITY. There was smile ,colors ,joy…
Celebrating 75th Independence Day at New Look School.