Our Students visited muk badhir Vidhyalaya, Lodha where they learned about sign language and way of communication of deaf and dumb individuals.
Fun filled thrilling moments in Summer Camp.New Look Institution Campus
Std I to XII – Our purpose is to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabularies, learn concepts and develop correct English usage that will help them all their…
New Look Senior Secondary School, Lodha heartily congratulates the winners who brought laurels at State Level Karate Competition in Mount Abu. The 7 proud winners who bagged 12 Prestigious Medals…
Jagran – 2019 Matdata Jagrukta Cycle Rally on 19th April 2019
On 19 of March , Results were declared of Classes III & IV of 2018-2019
On 18 of March , Results were declared of Classes I & II of 2018-2019